Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Part 3

5 Myths Expressed by the Book

1. There are older texts (found in Nag Hammadi) that states that Jesus is human and not divine

Wright writes “First, there were dozens if not hundreds of other documents about Jesus. Some of these have now come to light, not least in the books discovered at Nag Hammadi in Egypt 60 years ago. These focus on Jesus more as a human being, a great religious teacher, than as a divine being. And it is these books which give us the real truth about Jesus.”

2. The 4 Gospels were later products of the church

Wright states “Second, the four Gospels in the New Testament were later products aimed at divinizing Jesus and claiming power and prestige for the church. They were selected, for these reasons, at the time of Constantine in the fourth century, and the multiple alternative voices were ruthlessly suppressed.”

3. The 4 Gospels doesn’t reveal the truth Jesus

Wright states “Third, therefore, Jesus himself wasn’t at all like the four canonical Gospels describe him. He didn’t think he was God’s son, or that we would die for the sins of the world; he didn’t come to found a new religion. He was a human being pure and simple, who gave some wonderful moral and spiritual teaching, that’s all. Oh, and he may well have been married, perhaps even with a child on the way, when his career was cut short by death.”

4. Christianity is based on a mistake

Wright states “Fourth, therefore: Christianity as we know it is based on a mistake. Mainstream Christianity is sexist, especially anti-women and anti-sex itself. It has aimed at, and in some places achieved, considerable social power and prestige, enabling it to be politically quietist and conformist. This, I find, goes down especially well with those who are escaping from either fundamentalism or certain types of Roman Catholicism.”

5. It’s time to give up on the Church’s view of Christ

Wright states “Fifth, the real pay-off: It is time to give up, as historically unwarranted, theologically unjustified, and spiritually and socially damaging, the picture of Jesus and Christian origins which the church has put about for so long, and to return to the supposedly original vision of Jesus himself, not least in terms of getting in touch with a different form of spirituality based on metaphor rather than literal truth, of feeling rather than structure, of discovering whatever faith you find you can believe in. This will revive the truth for which Jesus lived, and perhaps for which he died.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a nice series!

You would not believe the number of questions I get about all of this!

Most are fairly innocent, wanting to know what I think about all of the hype, but some are also wondering about why all of this is so new..

But it's really old...as old as any other lie.