Friday, August 04, 2006

Piper and Wright

In Piper's lastest "Fresh Word", he has written some tough comments about Wright's view of justification.

He writes:

"The other book is a response to N. T. Wright on the doctrine of justification. I have no immediate plan to publish it until I get the feedback from critical readers. My motivation in writing it is that I think his understanding of Paul is wrong and his view of justification is harmful to the church and to the human soul. Few things are more precious than the truth of justification by faith alone because of Christ alone. As a shepherd of a flock of God’s blood-bought church, I feel responsible to lead the sheep to life-giving pastures. That is not what the sheep find in Wright’s view of Paul on justification. He is an eloquent and influential writer and is, I believe, misleading many people on the doctrine of justification. I will keep you posted on what becomes of this manuscript." [1]

[HT] Justin Taylor's blog



Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, this is Josiah (from JT's blog). Thanks for the links. It's sucks being bored at work:)

Geoff said...

Having read Piper's sermon, I can understand why he thinks Wright's view is "harmful to the church" and "misleading many people". We might disagree with Piper's view of justification or believe that he is misunderstanding Wright. But given his understanding of Wright and what he sees in Scripture, IF he's right (and that's the question), then these words are certainly justified. He's not just throwing words around.